custou chegar, custou muito. saiu-me do corpo, literalmente. até ao último minuto. até tive de atravessar o aeroporto a correr para não perder o avião. e até esfolei as costas com o fecho da saia enquanto o fazia.
e eu disse que só acreditava quando estivesse no avião. mas ainda não acredito bem...
a blurred picture on the first day. The eight flight hours after having spent the entire night before trying to fit all my life inside a bag left me somewhere between the apathetic and the hysterical. the numbing fatigue, only punctuated by moments of striking thoughts: I'm in new york! I've made it!
it was hard to get here. it was really hard. it literally came from my body, until the last second. I even had to cross the entire airport running to avoid loosing the flight, and I even hurt my back with my skirt's zipper while doing it.
I did say that I would only believe it when I'd be inside the plane. But I still don't quite do...
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